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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Experience The Luxury Vacation With In Your Budget by Jeff Mills

From the hick in the airline prices and unsatisfactory downturn, few may think several times to go on a vacation to spend their summer. Are you feeling like not having the best summer in your life, nothing to feel, you can choose from hundreds of summer vacation. If you are planning a vacation on a stiff budget and feeling like you are running out of funds, you need not bother for, there are many ways to chop the vacation cost without giving up the comfort and happiness of the vacation. You can actually find numerous destinations here in the United States that will fit your financial plan and this will include Las Vegas.

Hear are some tips to save you from high cost Las Vegas vacation

Advance Planning ? The first and foremost thing to do before a vacation is to set the budget. The hotels that are located in the Las Vegas strip can be expensive, its better you reserve it early. Make sure that you map your flight in advance that would mean research on your part. Cram about the place you are going to stay and what it has to present. You can also search online on inexpensive hotel and travel packages.

Grab holiday deals- one can save a lot if they go for an all-inclusive vacation deal where they present packages including all, from airlines accommodations to food. Planning the vacation early is the best way to save money on airplane tickets. Round-trip tickets that generally cost you a thousand dollars may be available for you for two hundred dollars on a few specific dates in a year. You can usually save the most on the weekdays in the off season and they might also include free admissions to other destinations in the city.

Las Vegas regarded as the country's Sin City is the most heavily populated metropolis in the Nevada. It is also known as the entertainment capital of the world, with its numerous casino resorts, adult entertainment and even shopping glamour. And visiting this place is surely an experience you do not want to forget. And visiting this place is surely an experience you do not want to forget.

There are several attractions in Las Vegas that will amaze you and sometimes we may have negative Perception that this city is high cost, deluxe trip however, it can be cheaper if you just try to research on it. Now, don't think more, Run to Las Vegas and experience the top summer holiday of your life! Just hit on to

About the Author

Jeff Mills, a former Youth Pastor who is now a full time internet information entrepreneur, is also an author of several books, an avid traveler, speaker and also a marketer. Read more about him at his blog, Global Resorts Network .



Sales are down, profits are off, commissions and earnings are lagging behind where they should be, the year is rapidly running down, and the heat is on . . . you’re running out of time! You know that the only way to increase sales and earning is to get in front of more prospects and customers more often. So, you decide to work harder to make more appointments. But where do you start? And how do you get there? Read on. Just read on and you’ll be fine . . . in fact, you’ll be better than fine.


First sell the appointment, then you can sell yourself, your company, and your products and services. In the unlikely event you’re not already aware of this scary fact, we’d like to let you know that appointment-making is an art unto itself, an art that requires preparation, focus, and, very often, lots of thick skin! Your company may already have telemarketing people who make appointments for you. If not, if you’re like the majority of Sales Players who make their own appointments, you can take advantage of the opportunity to combine appointment-making with prospective customer research. The benefit for you is this: The research process gives you an early opportunity to build relationships with key people in prospects’ organizations. If you aren’t able to set up an appointment during the research process, use direct mail and Email marketing to create interest so the prospective customer will want to meet with you. We recommend that you send a cover letter to let the prospect know you’re interested enough to have researched his or her company. Include pertinent literature for the products you think you might quote, recognizing that after you’ve toured the facility and understand how things actually operate, you may recommend something entirely different. Never send out any direct mail piece, requested or not, without including a list of current References. People do not like to do business with people they don’t know . . . so why not let prospective customers know something about who you are before they invite you in? How do you get past gatekeepers �" you know, those receptionists, secretaries, and administrative assistants who “protect” the boss from pesky salespeople? Well, you start by convincing the gatekeeper that a meeting with you would be good for the boss (which would be good for the gatekeeper as well). Whether you do this over the phone or by sending direct mail, or both, is something you determine by your take on which approach is likely to work best with each individual person. This is why your research is so important. You have to come up with a compelling reason, an interesting reason, and an urgent reason for your meeting; you can no longer rely on the old standards, “We’re better” or “We’re cheaper”. Isn’t everybody “better” and “cheaper” than everybody else? Aren’t you? So what? Better and cheaper simply is not good enough any more! If you’re fortunate enough to be routed through to a decision-maker, be ready to present a compelling reason to meet. Given what you’ve learned about a prospective customer, ask yourself the obvious question: If you were the person you are trying to contact, what would make you want to meet with you? The quality of the first step is critical to your ability to get the appointment. Experience over three decades with thousands of sales under our belts has taught us that the best first step breaks down like this: • Call to find out who the appropriate financial and operational decision-makers may be (could be the same person, depending upon the size of the company) • If your call is intercepted by a gatekeeper, find out what the gatekeeper’s role is with the company and get a reading on that person’s role, personality, and relationship to the appropriate decision-maker • Unless you’re Denzel Washington or Julia Roberts, don’t use a script. People will see right through you. Remember, nobody wants to waste time with some poor yokel who can’t even speak for himself • Be yourself . . . Remember, selling is about building honest relationships and you can’t do that if people never get to know the real you • Smile �" sincerely - with your words and your tone. If you don’t smile, the person on the other end of the line will see right through you. If you’re not up to smiling, stay off the phone until you are ready • Be professional, enthusiastic, and straight-forward. Communicate the fact that you are proud of yourself, your company, your products and services • Don’t be afraid to ask for the appointment, but never ever force the issue. • Don’t bother with the so-called alternative close (“What’s better for you, Monday morning or Wednesday afternoon?”). Recognize that this person may have been inundated with that line a dozen times during the week before you called . . . just pick a day and time that works for you and let the prospect respond • If the prospect is willing to meet with you, be generous. Just ask when would be most convenient and let nature take its course


OK, you’re going in . . . terrific . . . congratulations! But, don’t waste any time patting yourself on the back! Use your time to prepare to get the most out of the appointment. Again, like any step in the sales process, think this one through, visualize yourself on the field, making the play, running for extra yardage, accomplishing specific goals.

• Take charge . . . if the prospect or customer isn’t adamant about a time limit, you decide how long the meeting should last and who should be in attendance • Gather any additional information you might need • Make sure you are completely prepared for the meeting with:

o Your company’s capabilities brochure o Special Lease Rates or Discount Financing Opportunities o Application-specific Literature (Specifications & Product Brochures) o Notepad, PDA or Electronic Notebook o Two Pens (1 backup) o Plenty of Business Cards o Tape Measure o Electronic Calculator

• Confirm your appointment by phone twenty-four hours in advance; If the prospect or customer has to postpone your meeting, ask for specific day, date, and time before you hang up


Alright, you’re FINALLY there . . . inside the customer’s office, smiling, chit-chatting, thinking, sitting across from at least one decision-maker. So, what do you do now? You’ve worked hard to get here . . . wouldn’t it be a shame to waste all your time and effort to date? Sure would! So, here’s how to get the most out of the appointment:

• First things first . . . as we said earlier, people buy from people they like and trust. So, use your first appointment to establish a personal rapport with decision-makers and their colleagues. Build credibility and trust with honest talk about you, your company, and your product lines. Don’t bother to stroke customers with your “perfect” profile. We all know you ain’t perfect, so don’t try to make anyone think you are! They’ll see right through you, so don’t sell yourself �" and your prospective customer �" short! • Learn as much as you can about your prospect’s business, concerns, shipping volumes, warehousing issues, and service problems. Be honest with your questions. If the customer has competitive products, don’t ask left-handed questions to try and draw out complaints about the competition. Don’t try to ingratiate yourself with a prospective customer by bad-mouthing competitors; it never works. Be supportive of your competitors, but do it in very general terms. You don’t want to trap yourself by praising a competitor who may have caused major troubles for the prospect. • Be proactive: Fill-in any gaps that might exist in your research by asking for a tour of any and all areas where the products you sell operate or may be serviced. Note the numbers, types, and condition of any and all items no matter how much �" or how little �" they may be used. Find out who performs service and ask whether the customer is satisfied with that service. • Learn everything you can about decision-makers. What are their short-term goals? Long-term goals? Which is more important? Total cost? Customer service? What about your contacts? Are you dealing with someone who could be on the way to retirement in the near future? If so, who’s the heir apparent? • Find out how the buying process works. Who are the people involved in equipment acquisitions? Does the company purchase or lease? Do they have their own financing and/or leasing sources? How do existing suppliers fit in to any new acquisition? Are existing products on lease? If so, when do these leases expire? Are existing products purchased? Does the customer have any expectation of specific trade values (i.e. have trades been appraised by a competitor?). • Be quick to objectively analyze the customer’s situation and respond to that situation, honestly and openly. If, for example, the customer doesn’t need to buy now, be upfront about that fact. The customer will appreciate your honesty and will look at you as quite a unique salesperson . . . one who is honest enough to put the needs of the customer ahead of self-interests! If, on the other hand, you do see a legitimate need, don’t hesitate to talk about it and be prepared to defend your position if necessary. • Commit to the next step. If there is no immediate sales opportunity, accept that reality and let the prospective customer know that you’ll be ready, willing, and able to help answer any future issues or questions that may come up. Let your contact know that you’ll “check-in” within thirty days to follow-up on any future requirement. If, on the other hand, there is an immediate sales opportunity, commit to provide a written quotation within a specific time frame and keep your commitment, no matter what!


This is where the rubber meets the road. How will you present your quote to the customer so you can turn the quote into a signed order? Think it’s premature to be talking about an order on the 4th step? We don’t think so. It all gets down to the old time and money bit . . . what is it, now? Oh, yeah - time is money! So, don’t waste any of either. We recommend you proceed with the 4th step like this:

• Prepare a professional appearing quotation on a pre-printed form with company logo, address, phone and FAX numbers. Include customer contact name, exact legal company name, street address, city, state, and zip code, phone and fax numbers, plus Email addresses. • Describe the Product in detail. Customers deserve to know exactly what they are buying. Define benefits, features, and specifications. Be sure to include color photographs in or with your quotation. • Make it clear that your selling price is plus applicable taxes. Clearly indicate that cash terms and leasing or financing terms are “subject to credit approval”. Let the customer know lead time in a range of weeks. Be sure to include the phrase, “subject to prior sale” for the inevitable day there’s only one unit in stock or the last one on an incoming truck from the factory is sold out from under you. • Call to make an appointment so you can deliver the quote to the prospective customer for review and approval at the earliest convenient time. Avoid sending quotations by Email, FAX or snail mail. The way you present a quote can cheapen you, your product, and your company in the customer’s eyes. Your best opportunity to sell value rather than price comes when you present a quote in person. So, why not take advantage of the opportunity at every opportunity? • If you have wiggle-room in pricing or terms, know precisely what your negotiating parameters are before you head out to meet the customer. Take charge of the Quote Presentation by making sure you have can close the deal when the numbers fit your parameters. If your customer says, “Knock off a thousand bucks and we have a deal,” you want to respond with two simple words: “Sign here!” • Answer any and all questions your customer might have . . . remember, when you answer questions, you are really answering objections, so encourage that dialogue. If you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t wing it . . . again, be honest and let the customer know that you will come back with an answer as quickly as possible - then do it! • Ask for the order! We won’t lecture you on how many people in our business fail to ask for the order . . . but, as you well know, there are literally thousands upon thousands of sales people out in their territories, day in and day out, who are simply too afraid to hear the wrong answer, so they don’t ask! And, guess what? The person who doesn’t ask for orders doesn’t get orders! EPILOGUE

The sales game is a numbers game. The more prospects and customers you get in front of, the more you sell. Speed up the appointment making process and you make things better for everyone; prospects, customers, your company, and you. Follow the steps we’ve outlined here just as we’ve laid them out, and you’ll double the number of appointments you can make while you increase sales by at least fifty percent. How do we know? Because we’ve followed these steps for more than thirty years and they’ve never failed to get appointments and create more sales . . . now, it’s your turn!

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, Email me at (goes right to my desk) and since I personally answer every Email, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Copyright © 2008 l.t. Dravis. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

NFL Predictions 2008-9 by Charles Priore

NFL Predictions 2008-9

It's easy to pick the Giants, Cowboys, Patriots, or Colts. I am sure they won't all falter this year and some upcoming teams are ready to challenge. The NFL powerhouses are due for a fall. After all, the Giants had a second place division finish and made the predictable - unpredictable again. You have to love the chances of the Vikings, Saints, Bills, Browns, Jaguars, and Raiders. They will be the most improved teams who could challenge for it all.

2008 National Football Conference


Dallas - Runs away from this division. Runs all the way to the Conference final. Romo falls for Vikings cheerleader who spikes Vikes Gatorade with Ex-Lax.

NY Giants - Sometimes everything falls into place. This year they will struggle to be a Wild Card and then it's all over for repeating.

Washington - Improved team, Enough to beat the Giants in the Wild Card game.

Philadelphia - Just don't have all the pieces in place.


Minnesota - Purple offensive monsters crush Dallas in the Conference final for a Super Bowl birth. Ex Lax makes them run faster.

Green Bay - Good all around strength but not good enough this year.

Detroit - How can a team go on and on without a quality quarterback?

Chicago - How can a team go on and on without a quality quarterback?


New Orleans - Will be more consistent this year. Brees has a great year and defense picks it up a notch.

Carolina - Too much expectation and not consistent enough.

Tampa Bay - Boring. Boring. Boring.

Atlanta - Do they send the rejects here or are they created here?


Seattle - Very well-rounded team. Could go all the way.

Arizona - Please change the name of the team to the Desert Rams.

St. Louis - Please change the name of the team to the Cardinals.

San Francisco - Please change the team.

2008 American Football Conference


New England - Easy schedule poor training for playoffs. Bill Belichick is hung in effigy after Pats get bumped out by Jags.

Buffalo - Young defense gets monster-like. Will lose the Conference final to the Jags breaking the hearts of Buffalo fans again.

NY Jets - Not Brets fault but Farve gets carved with hapless Jets. Fans want everyone fired or executed.

Miami - The Tuna, the Dolphins, Ricky Williams. This is a very cheap version of a junior Cowboy team. Can somebody spell Q u a r t e r b a c k?


Cleveland - A year away from going all the way. They should watch old Browns black and white movies with Carlings Black Label commercials. Fake like they are hurt and kill guys like Jim Brown did.

Pittsburgh - Can look great - and then very average. Browns overtake them.

Cincinnati - Carson Palmer should demand a trade. Great talent on overrated team.

Baltimore - Locker room poison begins to flourish. Good team - no chemistry.


Jacksonville - Defensive monsters go all the way to Conference Final.

Indianapolis - Not enough Marvin Harrison or Defense. Payton bring them back - next year.

Tennessee - Good team with ugly uniforms. Should watch old John Hadl Charger films. No passing - no playoffs.

Houston - Improved defense and team with very cool uniforms gets steadily better but not good enough yet.


San Diego - Look for a little losing streak to start the finger pointing.

Oakland - Everyone will hate them. Except the Raider Nation. Now if they only had Lamonica.

Denver - Continues to dive. Jay Cutler would take Green Bay a long way but not this team.

Kansas City - Abner Haynes returns. These are not the Super Chiefs.

AFC - Jacksonville over Buffalo - as Bills miss controversial two point conversion to win it. Fans destroy Wilson stadium forcing the Bills to become the Toronto Maple Leafs.

NFC - Vikings over Cowboys - in a romp. Cowboys immediately trade Romo to the Dolphins for the Tuna. Jerry Jones gets face lift and now looks like Joan Rivers. Little Bum Phillips is elected coach of the year for putting up with more crap than any coach in history.

Super Bowl -Halftime show is Michael Phelps swimming 14 consecutive 200m swims across Tampa Stadium. Raiders Al Davis signs him as a tight end. Tarvaris Jackson is injured as time winds down with the Jags up on the Vikes by 6. Gus Frerotte leads game ending drive as the Minnesota Vikings win the Super Bowl. Adrian Peterson gains 200 yds. with 3 TD's to become MVP.

The American Italian Baby Boomer

Stock Options - The Greatest Wealth Building Tool Ever Invented by Daniel Mollat

It is a well known fact that serious investors seeking long term growth of capital have as their main objectives the two most basic goals in investing:

* to find an investment vehicle that would effectively preserve capital and minimize risk in the face of a fluctuating and constantly flexing economy

* the investment vehicle must provide better than decent yields in all economic conditions to promote constant growth of capital value.

With the stock market as the premiere choice due to its historical record of outperforming all other investments over time, people are increasingly turning to the stock market as their main investment vehicle for future capital growth. It is here where much higher rates of return can be made with a relatively small increase in risk to capital.

With thousands of books, manuals, internet sites, seminars and courses offering investment strategies and trading systems in the stock market and its derivatives, there are few, if any, that deliver the ideal investment vehicle sought by the long term investor in search of safety and high returns. Not only is there a near total absence of an ideal investment system but there are many that promise eye popping, mind boggling returns and, they are exactly that; mere promises.

Most of the trading systems offered are structured on strategies or activities that work when conditions are ideally suited to the program being peddled. Most of their successes are highly dependent on picking the right stocks at the right time. In other words you must be a good stock picker or use a stock picking service (for a high monthly fee) to select the right ones for you. Market timing is also an important factor in their systems. Again, you must be a good market timer or depend on a service that provides market timing signals (also for a high monthly fee). These supposedly high yield investment programs don't say anything about how bad things can be when conditions go against their predictions. These programs do exactly as promised: great when the going is good but disastrous when the going is bad. Without doubt many have been taken by these so-called services and while an investor/trader may be successful for a while, the end result over a long period of time is always the same - no better than if you had done the selections yourself.

While there is no one investment system or vehicle that can be an answer-all to the various goals of various investors, there are some investment alternatives that can come close to satisfying the two basic needs of safety and decent returns. Diversified mutual funds have been touted as the answer to these basic needs. But over the years these funds have shown that during downturns in the economy they perform just as badly as the whole investment market in general. And, over the long term, many of these diversified funds have failed to even match market performance in general, much less outperform it. Enter market derivatives with emphasis options.

Trading in stock options has become very popular with institutional investors as well as private individuals as a sound money management system supplementing their investment portfolios. The ability of stock options to give the investor a wide range of choices is what has made the options market grow considerably over the last two decades. To quote one options expert: "Stock options are the greatest wealth producing tool ever invented on this planet. . . . if you know how to use them".

The key element of this statement is: . . . if you know how to use them.

For many people the mere mention of stock options, sends shivers up their spine. They look at options as synonymous with great risk. But isn't driving a car very dangerous for one who doesn't know how to drive? The ability of stock options to give the investor a wide range of choices in stock market investments is what has made the options market grow by leaps and bounds over the last twenty years. Statistics compiled by the Options Industry Council, a group that educates investors about options, show that volume in options trading has risen tremendously in recent years. Further, studies show that individual investors make up 60% of the market.

For the individual who has sufficient funds and is looking for more than a decent return on his capital and with controllable risk, stock options may be the answer.

There are dozens of option trading systems being employed by individual investors and institutions. Each system is designed to accomplish a specific investment goal. A financial institution may use long put options to hedge its winnings in stocks that have appreciated in value. Another investor may buy call options instead of stocks to enter a position in a security that has caught his fancy. Still another may sell calls against his stock holdings to generate income from his stock position, or what is popularly known as covered call writing. Of the dozens of option trading systems there is one that can be carried out as a long term investment program offering a fair degree of safety and consistent high returns over time, thus satisfying the investor's two basic needs of safety and return.

This is the selling of uncovered or naked options.

But wait! Is it not said that selling naked options carries the risk of unlimited losses? Isn't this a contradiction?

Indeed selling naked options when done carelessly and without a disciplined strategic program is extremely risky!

But by using a carefully planned and disciplined system of trading, the so-called "unlimited risk" factor in selling options can easily be conquered. There is a three-pronged trading strategy being used by one successful options trader that is proving to be a consistent winner in all market conditions. It is a trading technique that couples naked option selling with a modified ratio credit spread and the use of the roll over feature. While naked option selling has acquired a bad rap of being highly risky, this three-pronged trading strategy allows the trader to defeat the risk. Not only is the system able to substantially reduce the risk, it also offers one the ability to become a savvy investor/trader without having to depend on picking the right stocks or timing the market. It involves utilizing the system in any market condition using only one or a few stocks, ETFs or indexes (the latter two are more effective). One need not worry about finding the right stocks or timing the trades. The fact remains that stocks behave, more often than not, in crazy and irrational ways so that one can almost say that consistently choosing winning stocks is as good as a random walk down Wall Street. Rather than be proactive and try to predict and time the market, as many try to do, this three-pronged investment system is reactive. The prescribed trades are done in reaction to how the market has moved, not in anticipation of its future behavior.

This three-pronged trading system does not promise quick profits or mind boggling yields but steady annual returns in excess of 30%. It would be prudent to say that in times of deep downturns the system may not deliver the promised returns but it will hold its own and will definitely outperform the market.

One options trader that has mastered this three-pronged trading technique has decided to share his knowledge of the system by writing an e-book on its methodology. Borrowing from that quote about options being a great wealth producing tool he has aptly titled his work: STOCK OPTIONS: THE GREATEST WEALTH BUILDING TOOL EVER INVENTED. In it he details the step by step methodology of this trading technique and gives an exhaustive series of sample trades covering several months of transactions. It shows the effectiveness of the system in an up market, down market and horizontal market using only one ETF stock. To this day the writer continues to use only one or two ETFs in all his options trades. For more information:

Stock Options - The Greatest Wealth Building Tool Ever Invented by Daniel Mollat

It is a well known fact that serious investors seeking long term growth of capital have as their main objectives the two most basic goals in investing:

* to find an investment vehicle that would effectively preserve capital and minimize risk in the face of a fluctuating and constantly flexing economy

* the investment vehicle must provide better than decent yields in all economic conditions to promote constant growth of capital value.

With the stock market as the premiere choice due to its historical record of outperforming all other investments over time, people are increasingly turning to the stock market as their main investment vehicle for future capital growth. It is here where much higher rates of return can be made with a relatively small increase in risk to capital.

With thousands of books, manuals, internet sites, seminars and courses offering investment strategies and trading systems in the stock market and its derivatives, there are few, if any, that deliver the ideal investment vehicle sought by the long term investor in search of safety and high returns. Not only is there a near total absence of an ideal investment system but there are many that promise eye popping, mind boggling returns and, they are exactly that; mere promises.

Most of the trading systems offered are structured on strategies or activities that work when conditions are ideally suited to the program being peddled. Most of their successes are highly dependent on picking the right stocks at the right time. In other words you must be a good stock picker or use a stock picking service (for a high monthly fee) to select the right ones for you. Market timing is also an important factor in their systems. Again, you must be a good market timer or depend on a service that provides market timing signals (also for a high monthly fee). These supposedly high yield investment programs don't say anything about how bad things can be when conditions go against their predictions. These programs do exactly as promised: great when the going is good but disastrous when the going is bad. Without doubt many have been taken by these so-called services and while an investor/trader may be successful for a while, the end result over a long period of time is always the same - no better than if you had done the selections yourself.

While there is no one investment system or vehicle that can be an answer-all to the various goals of various investors, there are some investment alternatives that can come close to satisfying the two basic needs of safety and decent returns. Diversified mutual funds have been touted as the answer to these basic needs. But over the years these funds have shown that during downturns in the economy they perform just as badly as the whole investment market in general. And, over the long term, many of these diversified funds have failed to even match market performance in general, much less outperform it. Enter market derivatives with emphasis options.

Trading in stock options has become very popular with institutional investors as well as private individuals as a sound money management system supplementing their investment portfolios. The ability of stock options to give the investor a wide range of choices is what has made the options market grow considerably over the last two decades. To quote one options expert: "Stock options are the greatest wealth producing tool ever invented on this planet. . . . if you know how to use them".

The key element of this statement is: . . . if you know how to use them.

For many people the mere mention of stock options, sends shivers up their spine. They look at options as synonymous with great risk. But isn't driving a car very dangerous for one who doesn't know how to drive? The ability of stock options to give the investor a wide range of choices in stock market investments is what has made the options market grow by leaps and bounds over the last twenty years. Statistics compiled by the Options Industry Council, a group that educates investors about options, show that volume in options trading has risen tremendously in recent years. Further, studies show that individual investors make up 60% of the market.

For the individual who has sufficient funds and is looking for more than a decent return on his capital and with controllable risk, stock options may be the answer.

There are dozens of option trading systems being employed by individual investors and institutions. Each system is designed to accomplish a specific investment goal. A financial institution may use long put options to hedge its winnings in stocks that have appreciated in value. Another investor may buy call options instead of stocks to enter a position in a security that has caught his fancy. Still another may sell calls against his stock holdings to generate income from his stock position, or what is popularly known as covered call writing. Of the dozens of option trading systems there is one that can be carried out as a long term investment program offering a fair degree of safety and consistent high returns over time, thus satisfying the investor's two basic needs of safety and return.

This is the selling of uncovered or naked options.

But wait! Is it not said that selling naked options carries the risk of unlimited losses? Isn't this a contradiction?

Indeed selling naked options when done carelessly and without a disciplined strategic program is extremely risky!

But by using a carefully planned and disciplined system of trading, the so-called "unlimited risk" factor in selling options can easily be conquered. There is a three-pronged trading strategy being used by one successful options trader that is proving to be a consistent winner in all market conditions. It is a trading technique that couples naked option selling with a modified ratio credit spread and the use of the roll over feature. While naked option selling has acquired a bad rap of being highly risky, this three-pronged trading strategy allows the trader to defeat the risk. Not only is the system able to substantially reduce the risk, it also offers one the ability to become a savvy investor/trader without having to depend on picking the right stocks or timing the market. It involves utilizing the system in any market condition using only one or a few stocks, ETFs or indexes (the latter two are more effective). One need not worry about finding the right stocks or timing the trades. The fact remains that stocks behave, more often than not, in crazy and irrational ways so that one can almost say that consistently choosing winning stocks is as good as a random walk down Wall Street. Rather than be proactive and try to predict and time the market, as many try to do, this three-pronged investment system is reactive. The prescribed trades are done in reaction to how the market has moved, not in anticipation of its future behavior.

This three-pronged trading system does not promise quick profits or mind boggling yields but steady annual returns in excess of 30%. It would be prudent to say that in times of deep downturns the system may not deliver the promised returns but it will hold its own and will definitely outperform the market.

One options trader that has mastered this three-pronged trading technique has decided to share his knowledge of the system by writing an e-book on its methodology. Borrowing from that quote about options being a great wealth producing tool he has aptly titled his work: STOCK OPTIONS: THE GREATEST WEALTH BUILDING TOOL EVER INVENTED. In it he details the step by step methodology of this trading technique and gives an exhaustive series of sample trades covering several months of transactions. It shows the effectiveness of the system in an up market, down market and horizontal market using only one ETF stock. To this day the writer continues to use only one or two ETFs in all his options trades. For more information:


History of Egypt

The origins of ancient Egyptian civilization, which many regard as one of the fountainheads of Western culture, cannot be established with certainty. Archaeological evidence suggests that early dwellers in the Nile Valley were influenced by cultures of the Near East, but the degree of this influence is yet to be determined. Describing the development of Egyptian civilization, like attempts to identify its intellectual foundations, is largely a process of conjecture based on archaeological discoveries of enduring ruins, tombs, and monuments, many of which contain invaluable specimens of the ancient culture. Inscriptions in hieroglyphs, for instance, have provided priceless data.

The framework for the study of the Dynastic period of Egyptian history, between the 1st dynasty and the Ptolemaic period, relies on the Aegyptiaca of Manetho, a Ptolemaic priest of the 3rd century BC, who organized the country's rulers into 30 dynasties, roughly corresponding to families. General agreement exists on the division of Egyptian history, up to the conquest of Alexander the Great, into Old, Middle, and New kingdoms with intermediate periods, followed by the late and Ptolemaic periods, but chronology and genealogy are continually being refined in light of new evidence and by the use of increasingly sophisticated dating techniques.


Some 60,000 years ago the Nile River began its yearly inundation of the land along its banks, leaving behind rich alluvial soil. Areas close to the floodplain became attractive as a source of food and water. In time, climatic changes, including periods of aridity, further served to confine human habitation to the Nile Valley, although this was not always true. From the Chalcolithic period (the Copper age, beginning about 4000 BC) into the early part of the Old Kingdom, people apparently used an extended part of the land.

In the 7th millennium BC, Egypt was environmentally hospitable, and evidence of settlements from that time has been found in the low desert areas of southern, or Upper, Egypt; remains of similar occupation have been discovered at Nubian sites in modern Sudan. Enough pottery has been found in Upper Egyptian tombs from the 4th millennium BC (in the Predynastic period) to establish a relative dating sequence. The Predynastic period, which ends with the unification of Egypt under one king, is generally subdivided into three parts, each of which refers to the site at which its archaeological materials were found: Badarian, Amratian (Naqada I), and Gerzean (Naqada II and III). Northern sites (from about 5500 BC) have yielded datable archaeological material of apparent cultural continuity but no long-term sequences such as those found in the south.

Early Dynastic (or Archaic) Period

Archaeological sources indicate the emergence, by the late Gerzean period (about 3200 BC), of a dominant political force that was to become the consolidating element in the first united kingdom of ancient Egypt. The earliest known hieroglyphic writing dates from this period; soon the names of early rulers began to appear on monuments. This period began with a 0 Dynasty, which had as many as 13 rulers, ending with Narmer (about 3100 BC), followed by the 1st and 2nd dynasties (about 3100-2755 BC), with at least 17 kings. Some of the earliest massive mortuary structures (predecessors of the pyramids) were built at Abydos, and elsewhere during the 1st and 2nd dynasties.

The Old Kingdom

The Old Kingdom (about 2755-2255 BC) spanned five centuries of rule by the 3rd through the 6th dynasties. The capital was in the north, at Memphis, and the ruling monarchs held absolute power over a strongly unified government. Religion played an important role; in fact, the government had evolved into a theocracy, wherein the Pharaohs , as the rulers were called, were both absolute monarchs and, also gods on earth.

The 3rd Dynasty was the first of the Memphite houses, and its second ruler, Zoser, or Djoser, who reigned about 2737-2717 BC, emphasized national unity by balancing northern and southern motifs in his mortuary buildings at Sakkara . His architect, Imhotep, used stone blocks rather than traditional mud bricks in the complex there, thus creating the first monumental structure of stone; its central element, the Step Pyramid, was Zoser's tomb. In order to deal with affairs of state and to administer construction projects, the king began to develop an effective bureaucracy. In general, the 3rd Dynasty marked the beginning of a golden age of cultural freshness and vigor.

The 4th Dynasty began with King senfru , whose building projects included the first true pyramid at Dahshor (south of sakkara ). Snefru, the earliest warrior king for whom extensive documents remain, campaigned in Nubia and Libya and was active in the Sinai. Promoting commerce and mining, he brought prosperity to the kingdom. Snefru was succeeded by his son Khufu (or Cheops), who built the Great Pyramid at Giza. Although little else is known of his reign, that monument not only attests to his power but also indicates the administrative skills the bureaucracy had gained. Khufu's son Redjedef, who reigned about 2613-2603 BC, introduced the solar element (Ra, or Re) in the royal titular and the religion. Khafre (or Chephren), another son of Khufu, succeeded his brother to the throne and built his mortuary complex at Giza. The remaining rulers of the dynasty included Menkaure, or Mycerinus, who reigned about 2578-2553 BC; he is known primarily for the smallest of the three large pyramids at Giza.

Under the 4th Dynasty, Egyptian civilization reached a peak in its development, and this high level was generally maintained in the 5th and 6th dynasties. The splendour of the engineering feats of the pyramids was approximated in every other field of endeavour, including architecture, sculpture, painting, navigation, the industrial arts and sciences, and astronomy; Memphite astronomers first created a solar calendar based on a year of 365 days. Old Kingdom physicians also displayed a remarkable knowledge of physiology, surgery, the circulatory system of the body, and antiseptics.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Is Sheet Music Necessary For Musicians? by Victor Epand

Sheet music is the written form of music that has all of its notations, chord changes, melodies and harmonies laid out for musicians to play from so that they may stay true to the composer's original vision. While it may be useful for new musicians and for those who play a good deal of classical pieces that require no amount of improvisation, sheet music is not a necessity to many who play other forms of music such as rock and roll or bluegrass since this can be easily learned.

Printed music, it seems, is much less important than it once was. Once, printed musical scores by composers were seen as works of art; praised for their aesthetic value as much as for the composition that was written upon them. Some members of the upper society would pay great sums for the final copies of theses scores willing to go to many great lengths to get them. Even today the originals can fetch an enormous sum if these antique scores come up for sale at an auction house.

Much of today's popular music is still published. It is, however, more for the benefit of the novice musicians and for the general public than it is for more seasoned artists. Many of today's big name artistes will memorize all of their own music. Having to perform in front of live audiences does not allow most of them to have their notes in front of them. The time that they spend in rehearsals, making albums, and by multiple performances allows them to get the songs all memorized with very little trouble.

There are many laypeople who can learn to play musical pieces just by listening to them. This is usually referred to as "playing by ear." This sort of learning is also practiced in many different cultures that place great stock in passing traditional songs and dances on to the next generation. Some examples of this sort of culture can be found all over the world. Many people can recall being small and hearing someone in their family sing a song to sooth them or someone close to them.

There have been many famous composers that have not been able to read a single piece of sheet music. They have, however, created some of the most beautiful and moving pieces in the world. Some examples of these great artistes of our modern times would include Sir Paul McCartney, Ray Charles, and Lionel Bart. Can you imagine where they would have been without the skill to create the wonderful songs that they are responsible for in their heads?

The world of music is not what it is because someone first wrote a few notes on a piece of papyrus or scratched them out on a piece of bark. It is however a much richer world in that we have the treasures that the great composers have left behind that have been able to give us an insight into the creative genius that they have exhibited when composing some of the greatest pieces of music in the history of man.

As to answer the question, "is sheet music necessary for the players?" the answer would be no. But it begs the question, "where would we be if not for the pieces of sheet music left behind by the greats?" It also makes one wonder where we would be culturally if we had no way for the non-talented to be able to learn the more complex pieces out there.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Website Security Tests Protect Against Application by Avi D Bartov

Small and medium-sized enterprises can protect websites against application vulnerabilities withsimple, easy-to-use, and affordable service.

Firewall, Intrusion prevention and Detection System (IDS/IPS) are not enough to protect your Website against today’s application vulnerabilities Introduction

More than four out of every five (85 percent) U.S. businesses have experienced a data breach,according to a recent study by Colchester, Conn.-based law firm Scott + Scott, putting millions of consumers' Social Security numbers and other sensitive information in the hands of criminals.Website owners are vulnerable to unwanted intrusions by malicious hackers and other harmful codes. If a website’s server and applications are not protected from security vulnerabilities, identities, credit card information, and billions of dollars are at risk.

Many companies rely on a firewall to protect their websites from security breaches.Unfortunately, firewalls do not provide enough protection.

Hackers are constantly looking for new ways to compromise systems through unguarded, and sometimes not so obvious, side doors. Firewalls, IDS, IPS Are Not Enough Attackers are well-aware of the valuable information accessible through Web applications, and their attempts to get at it are often unwittingly assisted by several important factors.

Conscientious organizations carefully protect their perimeters with intrusion detection systems and firewalls, but these firewalls must keep ports 80 and 443 (SSL) open to conduct online business. These ports represent open doors to attackers, who have figured out thousands of ways to penetrate Web applications.

The standard security measures for protecting network traffic, network firewalls and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), do not offer a solution to application level threats. Network firewalls are designed to secure the internal network perimeter, leaving organizations vulnerable to various application attacks.

Intrusion Prevention and Detection Systems (IDS/IPS) do not provide thorough analysis of packet contents. Applications without an added layer of protection increase the risk of harmful attacks and extreme vulnerabilities.

Extreme Vulnerabilities

Web Application Level Attacks is the Achilles heel. In the past, security breaches occurred at the network level of the corporate systems. Today, hackers are manipulating web applications inside the corporate firewall. This entry enables them to access sensitive corporate and customer data. An experienced hacker can break into most commercial websites with even the smallest hole in a company’s website application code. These sophisticated attacks have become increasingly threatening to organizations.

The standard security measures for protecting network traffic do not protect against web application level attacks.

OWASP’s Top 10 Web Application Security Vulnerabilities 2007

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), an organization that focuses on improving the security of application software, has put together a list of the top 10 web application security vulnerabilities.

1. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) 2. Injection Flaws 3. Malicious File Execution 4. Insecure Direct Object Reference 5. Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 6. Information Leakage and Improper Error Handling 7. Broken Authentication and Session Management 8. Insecure Cryptographic Storage 9. Insecure Communications 10. Failure to Restrict URL Access

Web Application Security Consortium Most Common Vulnerabilities Report The Web Application Security Consortium (WASC)â€"an international group of experts, industry practitioners, and organizational representatives who produce open source and widely agreed upon best practice security standards for the World Wide Webâ€"reported the top five web application vulnerabilities by testing 31,373 sites.

According to the Gartner Group, 97% of the over 300 web sites audited were found vulnerable to web application attack,” and “75% of the cyber attacks today are at the application level.”

Web application vulnerability assessment

From the information above it’s clear that most e-commerce websites are wide open to attack and easy victims when targeted. While the security posture of some industries is stronger than others, the difference is insignificant when it comes to actually preventing a website compromise because intruders need only to exploit a single vulnerability.

A web application scanner, which protects applications and servers from hackers, must provide an automated security service that searches for software vulnerabilities within web applications. A web application scanner should crawl the entire website, analyze in-depth each & every file,and display the entire website structure. The scanner has to perform an automatic audit for common security vulnerabilities while launching a series of simulated web attacks. Web Security Seal and free trial should be available.

Most systems are vulnerable to thousands of known risk factors. A web application vulnerability Assessment should execute continuous dynamic tests combined with simulation web-application attacks during the scanning process.The web application scanner must have the ability to validate security breaches and risks against a continually updated service database provides real-time vital business solutions. A website security test should identify the security vulnerabilities and recommend the optimally matched solution.

The fix or workaround solution should be identified and implemented when you need it - not after it's too late.

GamaSec Web Scanning Vulnerability Executive Report

Once the vulnerability scan is completed, the vulnerability check has to deliver an executive summary report to management and a detailed report to the technical teams. Both reports should list the vulnerabilities found along with the severity levels of each vulnerability.

The Article Marketing new trend of Online Marketing by Pooja Gupta

There are probably over a thousand ways to promote a website, but most of them are too expensive to be cost effective. Those looking to find success in the electronic commerce field absolutely must find ways to promote their websites. A lot of people have actually doubled their revenue just by successful promotion of their websites or the use of affiliate programs. Make sure you truly understand the concept of marketing if you want to generate a steadily-increasing flow of traffic to your website.

Typically, authors will squander their time by writing hundreds of articles, none of which attract the right amount of traffic. These articles are not necessarily inferior or badly written; it is simply that these authors do not comprehend the vital role of marketing in the field of writing. This particular article will shed light on the core rules of the "marketing of articles," which should help to make writers' articles more marketable.

The Internet has become one of the most visited places in the whole world. It has a enormous amount of information about almost anything and everything thank you can think of ! There are three different types of information that can be given over the internet, these there type are video, audio and text. Even tough many people do not read the whole text of all articles they do extract information that is relevant to their search. Be aware, of course, that web sites which have attracted a better "page-rank" on a search engine will be able to bring in a great deal more casual traffic. The importance of programs such as Search Engine Optimization cannot be understated. "SEO" programs are vital for providing efficient article marketing, so long as your article features the correct keywords.

Moreover, for an article to be popular, it must have a good title. You must never use 'search engine spam techniques'. The concept of article marketing is not that difficult to grasp if you are willing to put in some serious efforts.

If you want to learn about article marketing at no cost, there are lots of relevant websites available to you. The most important step in article marketing is composing copy that has truly unique content. Unique articles are ones not copied from other works online or offline. When writing them, avoid using terms which are hard to comprehend.

A lot of writers expend fruitless hours penning hundreds of worthless articles which don't generate the traffic they want. It's not a question of inferior writing ability, but rather that these writers don't comprehend the significance of marketing in their area. This article will discuss the basis of article marketing. If you follow our suggestions, you can surely produce copy that is more effective in boosting your sales. There are many web sites which teach you this concept for free. Writing unique articles is also a smart technique. Make sure that every article you write has unique content.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Book Marketing Campaign Tips for POD Published Authors by V. Michael Santoro

Developing an effective book marketing campaign can be a challenge for most POD published authors. Once their book is published they try to use tradition book marketing techniques, such as:

* Contacting bookstores and libraries to see if they will carry their book

* Calling newspaper reporters to try and obtain some PR

* Sending a review copy of their book to newspaper book review editors, or

* Trying to set up a book signing event at local bookstores

Unfortunately, this approach usually generates disappointing results.

A more effective book marketing campaign for a POD published author is to identify a niche market based upon their book's theme and then use the Internet to brand themselves as an expert within that niche market. Instead of trying to sell their books, authors need to provide top quality information to their niche audience while using their book as a credential. Having published a book and correctly posting valuable information is the fastest way to be viewed as an expert by people interested in the niche, as well as the media.

Book Marketing Campaign Blueprint
The following blueprint will help authors to use the Internet to brand themselves as an expert:

1. Determine which niche market is best associated with your book's theme. Ensure that it has people who are enthusiastic about the niche and willing to spend money on associated products and your book

2. Research actual long tail keyword phrases that people are using to find information within your niche. Use them in your book marketing material to achieve a "top ten" search engine position.

3. Write outstanding marketing material using this keyword research. It will help to brand you as an expert within your niche market.

4. Generate targeted traffic to your book's Website or blog by using free traditional and Web 2.0 Internet Marketing techniques.

5. Build a huge list of interested niche subscribers and keep in touch with them on a regular basis.

Using this book marketing campaign approach will help you to earn an income by recommending niche products to your loyal niche audience. Many will also purchase your book after they read your quality information and see your commitment to helping them.

Additionally, you can receive calls from the media who are using the Internet to research information for stories and shows. Why? Because they were able to find your book marketing niche material; visit your book's Website and realize that you are a published author and expert who can be used as a reliable source for them.

About the Author

V. Michael Santoro is a published author, Internet Marketer and creator of the Authorpreneur 2.0 Mentorship Program. This turnkey program is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step program about conducting an effective online book marketing campaign . For a free trial, go to

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Anwar ke putrajaya

Jalan berliku tokoh PKR ke Putrajaya
Muda Mohd Noor | Aug 28, 08 6:27pm
Seperti yang diduga, Penasihat PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menang mudah dalam pilihanraya kecil Parlimen Permatang Pauh semalam.

Ini ditambah pula dengan majoriti yang lebih besar daripada isterinya, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail.

anwar ibrahim mp swearing in 080828 04Ia membuktikan bahawa pengaruh Anwar sedikitpun tidak terjejas meskipun dilemparkan dengan pelbagai tuduhan.

Tuduhan liwat, pengkhianat Melayu dan negara, rasuah gila kuasa yang dibuat oleh pemimpin Umno, ditolak mentah-mentah oleh pengundi Permatang Pauh.

Anwar mendapat 31,195 undi, manakala calon BN, Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah meraih 15,524 undi. Manakala calon Angkatan Keadilan Insan Malaysia (Akim), Hanafi Hamat memperolehi 92 undi sahaja dan hilang wang pertaruhan.

Ia sekaligus menunjukkan bahawa usaha BN, khususnya Umno, untuk menguburkan karier politik Anwar gagal. Sebaliknya, keputusan pilihanraya itu menunjukkan sokongan terhadap beliau tidak pernah luntur.

Sewajarnya pemimpin Umno yang bermulut celupar, khususnya Naib Ketua Pemudanya, Khairy Jamaluddin, merasa malu kerana serangan-serangan peribadi ke atas mantan timbalan perdana menteri itu, sedikitpun tidak diterima pengundi.

anwar ibrahim enters parliament building as mp 280808 09Sepanjang tempoh kempen selama 10 hari, pemimpin besar Umno, termasuk Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hadir berkempen untuk calon BN.

Pengundi atas pagar

Timbalannya, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, selaku pengarah pilihanraya BN, saban malam berada di Permatang Pauh bersama pemimpin-pemimpin lain.

Malangnya, pengundi Permatang Pauh langsung tidak mahu mendekati ceramah pemimpin Umno, menyebabkan ia lenggang kerana tiada sambutan.

Serangan-serangan oleh bekas orang kuat, Anwar seperti Ezam Mohd Noor dan Datuk S Nalakarupan, juga bagaikan peluru kertas sahaja.

Sebaliknya, ceramah Anwar dihadiri bukan sahaja oleh penyokongnya tetapi juga pengundi atas pagar dan kaum India serta Cina setiap malam.

permatang pauh polling day 260808 05Namun, perlu diakui juga bahawa jentera kempen PKR dan Pakatan Rakyat sangat berkesan kerana mereka gigih bekerja tanpa mengira waktu.

Petugas parti juga bergerak pantas setiap hari untuk membahagikan risalah untuk menjawab apa juga serangan Umno terhadap Anwar.

Dalam pilihanraya kali ini, penekanan Anwar terhadap Malaysia baru, iaitu menghapuskan kemiskinan tanpa mengira kaum, lebih diterima oleh rakyat berbanding politik perpaduan oleh BN.

Kemenangan besar Anwar itu memberikan peluang yang baik untuknya mengotakan janjinya untuk mengambilalih pemerintahan pada 16 September depan.

Laluan ke Putrajaya

Mungkin masih ramai berpandangan sinis tetapi jika diperhatikan kepada pengaruh Anwar yang tidak pernah surut, ia seharusnya menerbitkan rasa gerun kepada Umno itu sendiri.

Rakyat Permatang Pauh telah membuktikan mereka tidak lagi percaya kepada Umno walapun para pemimpinnya mendendangkan bahawa parti keramat itu begitu berjasa kepada orang Melayu dan negara.

Apa yang mereka perlukan ialah politik yang lebih adil, pemimpin yang berwibawa dan dipercayai yang boleh membawa negara dan rakyat yang lebih makmur dan dihormati dunia.

permatang pauh polling day 260808 04Sepatutnya, janji-janji retorik tidak perlu lagi untuk sebuah negara seperti Malaysia, sebaliknya memperkasakan keazaman untuk membina Malaysia yang baru.

Mulai hari ini, tiada lagi mana-mana pihak yang boleh memandang rendah kepada Anwar.

Pagi ini, mantan timbalan perdana menteri telah telah mengangkat sumpah sebagai ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh di Dewan Rakyat.

Pagi ini juga, seperti yang telah dipersetujui oleh anggota Pakatan Rakyat sebelum ini, Anwar turut dilantik sebagai ketua pembangkang.

Dan laluannya menuju Putrajaya, seperti yang dilaung-laungkan kepada penyokongnya, kini terbuka luas.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Day trading is a fun way to ride the waves of the stock market, buying and selling securities in a single day which can create some amazing amounts of short term financial gains if you are successful. While day trading can be undoubtedly thrilling to partake, do take the effort to learn as much as you can before you decide to jump in. The more you develop the proficiency, you can expect your gains to be higher.

Day trading actually serves two important functions for the stock market they provide liquidity and keeps the market active. Day traders need up to date information to be able to make a good decision.

You can become a master by learning the art of day trading. Day trading can be rewarding or real disasters. One needs to have the right tools and knowledge to be successful in this undertaking.

Be realistic in your goals. Is Trading Right For You? They only risk capital and those are rather affordable to lose.

The rule to remember is, day traders normally hold on to a position for a few minutes. Develop your skills through training. Traders will let you know that two indispensable ingredients in this business are raw nerves and sheer cunningness. Day-trading rarely will give you the big trade you've been waiting for your whole life.

Follow the trends and never get emotional on any single transaction. The ultimate goal of a day trader is to produce profit in a single day. Risk management is very important for success.

It is important to understand the workings and mechanic of the Forex day trading before you do anything. It is a common sight to see day traders monitoring the stock market continuously throughout the day through computer screen top watch the rise and fall of the shares. One needs to have access to the right information at the right time to be able to make a successful decision.

You can be sure day traders would testify that it is a really exciting business. All successful day traders believe in their own indicator but nevertheless, they know that those are not foolproof. It is wrong to sell on bad days and even fatal to buy on a good one.

Day trading, as the name implies, is the sale and purchase of securities in a single day. You need to realize that this form of trading comes with a great risk. This is not something you want to get involved in without some careful thought.

Day trading involves a lot of risk. So is this a mere game of luck? It is normal for a trader to lose money out of every nine transactions and still make a killing by succeeding in the tenth transaction. It can be really fun once you get the hang of things, but it comes with a mighty risk.

Monday, July 28, 2008

pengundi hantu

Jauh jugak hantu ni berjalan
3 bas 'pengundi hantu' ditahan
Kuek Ser Kuang Keng | Aug 26, 08 4:42pm

Tiga buah bas - sebuah daripadanya membawa penumpang - telah dibawa ke balai polis di Permatang Pauh selepas penyokong PKR percaya mereka digunakan untuk membawa pengundi hantu.

Bas-bas dan penumpang berkenaan kini berada di balai polis Seberang jaya, manakala pemimpin PKR, N Gobalakrishnan, yang juga ahli Parlimen Padang Seri, telah membuat laporan polis berhubung perkara tersebut.

Gobalakrishman memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa mereka telah dimaklumkan bahawa enam buah bas yang membawa pengundi hantu, akan tiba di Permatang Pauh pada kira-kira 3 petang.

Selepas diperiksa, penyokong PKR mendapati dua buah bas kosong diletakkan di sepanjang Lebuhraya Butterworth-Kulim, dan diperhatikan oleh anggota polis.

Penyokong PKR kemudiannya diberitahu anggota polis tersebut bahawa bas tersebut sedang menunggu pengundi pulang dari mengundi.

Gobalakishman kemudian berkeras supaya bas-bas tersebut dibawa ke balai polis sementara menunggu laporan polis dibuat.

Dan dalam perjalanan ke balai polis, kumpulan PKR itu menemui sebuah lagi bas masuk ke Permatang Pauh. Bas ketiga ini penuh dengan penumpang.

Gobalakrishnan juga berkata, bas tersebut juga turut dibawa ke balai polis, bersama dengan dengan penumpangnya.

Difahamkan daripada salah seorang pemandunya, bas-bas tersebut datang dari Melaka.

Bas-bas tersebut menggunakan plet pendaftaran Pahang, Melaka, dan Kuala Lumpur. Sebuah daripadanya didapati didaftar di alamat bangunan Umno di Melaka.

pengundi hantu

Jauh jugak hantu ni berjalan
3 bas 'pengundi hantu' ditahan
Kuek Ser Kuang Keng | Aug 26, 08 4:42pm

Tiga buah bas - sebuah daripadanya membawa penumpang - telah dibawa ke balai polis di Permatang Pauh selepas penyokong PKR percaya mereka digunakan untuk membawa pengundi hantu.

Bas-bas dan penumpang berkenaan kini berada di balai polis Seberang jaya, manakala pemimpin PKR, N Gobalakrishnan, yang juga ahli Parlimen Padang Seri, telah membuat laporan polis berhubung perkara tersebut.

Gobalakrishman memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa mereka telah dimaklumkan bahawa enam buah bas yang membawa pengundi hantu, akan tiba di Permatang Pauh pada kira-kira 3 petang.

Selepas diperiksa, penyokong PKR mendapati dua buah bas kosong diletakkan di sepanjang Lebuhraya Butterworth-Kulim, dan diperhatikan oleh anggota polis.

Penyokong PKR kemudiannya diberitahu anggota polis tersebut bahawa bas tersebut sedang menunggu pengundi pulang dari mengundi.

Gobalakishman kemudian berkeras supaya bas-bas tersebut dibawa ke balai polis sementara menunggu laporan polis dibuat.

Dan dalam perjalanan ke balai polis, kumpulan PKR itu menemui sebuah lagi bas masuk ke Permatang Pauh. Bas ketiga ini penuh dengan penumpang.

Gobalakrishnan juga berkata, bas tersebut juga turut dibawa ke balai polis, bersama dengan dengan penumpangnya.

Difahamkan daripada salah seorang pemandunya, bas-bas tersebut datang dari Melaka.

Bas-bas tersebut menggunakan plet pendaftaran Pahang, Melaka, dan Kuala Lumpur. Sebuah daripadanya didapati didaftar di alamat bangunan Umno di Melaka.

Monday, June 30, 2008

How To Unblock Myspace At School by SoulRiser

Why do people want to unblock Myspace? Myspace sucks. Rather unblock something useful, like Wikipedia. Seriously. But anyway, here's how you can get on any website at school (yes, including Myspace, you addict)... you need something called a... Proxy

New proxies get blocked all the time, so you really need to keep finding new ones when that happens. Here are a few proxies you can try:

The trick is to find a proxy that very few people know about. Most of the ones you'll find by searching on the internet will get blocked, because that's the first place a teacher will look when they want to know what sites they should block. So, the best way to unblock sites (yes, and Myspace... sigh) is to use other methods...

Other ways to unblock sites

Use Google's cached version of the site. This will let you read just about any site, but you can't log in to member sites (like Myspace or whatever). This may or may not also work with other search engines, like Yahoo and whatever else there is.

Translator sites can be used to access pages much like the search engine cache trick. Example:

You can use RSS readers to access news sites instead of going to the site itself. is just one, but there are millions of these.

You can use "web accelerators" to unblock sites too. Like Unblocker Programs UltraSurf is free software and is available in English and Chinese. Once started, it opens an Internet Explorer type program that is automatically configured to allow you to browse websites through UltraSurf. Other browsers must be configured manually. The UltraSurf site itself might be blocked, so you may have to download this at home and bring it to school on a flash drive or something.

Similar unblockers: FreeGate - GPass - HTTP Tunnel - Jap Anon - TOR - I2P -

Set up your own proxy

This is the most reliable way to unblock sites... but you have to do it yourself. Basically, you set up your own proxy on your home computer or on a web host somewhere, and use it yourself. Don't tell anyone about it, except maybe a close circle of friends. The more people who know about it, the more likely it will get blocked. But hey, if you can make one proxy, you can make more of them, so... :)

How to make a proxy

Install Apache and PHP on a computer that has permanent access to the internet. Download and install a PHP script called PHProxy (you'll have to Google for it, its owner stopped developing it). You can also use CGIProxy. Then, as long as you know your IP address, you can get to your proxy from anywhere. You can also set up DNS for it if you want, but that just makes it easier to block. So, if your IP is 123.456.78.9, you'll access your proxy by typing in http://123.456.78.9 at school.

psiphon turns a regular home computer into a personal, encrypted proxy server. psiphon is free and open source, and comes in Linux and Windows versions. It is easy to install, but if your computer is behind a home router it may require some configuration.

Peacefire Circumventor is similar to psiphon, but a bit harder to install.

They don't just block Myspace

Schools have been known to block a lot of educational and downright useful sites too. In fact, the software they use to block things with is extremely ineffective at blocking access to anything (as this article has just proven). For more information about internet censorship, go to

Saturday, June 28, 2008

windows operating systems | different operating systems | operating systems tutorial by operating systems

windows operating systems | different operating systems | operating systems tutorial by operating systems
Enterprise Asset management (EAM) systems have incorporated entirely and have been adapted to the requirements of companies. EAM-systeem have four important supporting components: software, processes business, users and control systems. Software is the core of EAM-systemen.

It can be coordinated on your organisation unique data requirements and company processes. It has the capacity for on several platforms and heterogeneous control systems. It is implement simple and spreads themselves rapidly in your network. It works without other existing activities. The common processes business include strategic planning, the management and the operational control. EAM-systemen its much more advantageous in the planning for the decision-making and the preparation of procedures at solving possible problems. Management of the sources is the most important aim of EAM, for an effective management leads to effective action. Constantly changes in processes of influence can be be on EAM systems able itself, adapt so that the systems annual evaluations and modernisation. EAM systems are skilful for the management and the operational controls, and the employees at all levels of planning, the management and the operations are also the users of the systems.

Implementation of EAM-systemen can lead amending some of your company processes and can serve as an extra workload for your employees. This can lead to resistentie for new systems and processes which can be managed by means of training and temperament. EAM twist systems on several control systems, such as Windows 98/NT/2000, Sun Solaris, Linux, Oracle, M SQL, DB2, Informix and Sybase. Running EAM systems necessary its security, stability and standards. EAM start systems with an evaluation of the needs, defining the expectations, planning and implementation. It finishes with checking the real performances turned off against the objectives, with necessary improvements.

The success or failing EAM project lies on the four components of EAM-systemen. These essential components must with each other to reach a common aim - improving your organisation the company processes.

fundamentals of operating systems

different operating systems

installing two operating systems

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Doing Your Homework: How To Get The Facts On A Small Business Franchise by Candice Clem

Public relations play a major role in today’s business world. Each year, businesses spend hundreds of millions of dollars, paying highly skilled men and women who know how to make everything from hamburgers to airlines look as good as possible in the public eye. It’s not that most businesses, products, and services aren’t as outstanding as they present themselves to be, but it can be hard to tell which representations are most accurate. So when a hopeful entrepreneur browses through a list of franchises and finds that many work at home businesses appear too good to be true, he may have a difficult time deciding which one to choose. That is, unless he has resources at his disposal to confirm that these business opportunities are legitimate. And as it turns out, though many potential franchisees don’t realize it, such resources are available; a person just has to know where to look.

The Franchise Disclosure Document

Because it can be so hard to determine a viable home based business from a total scam, all franchisors, by law, are required to have a Franchise Disclosure Document (or FDD) available to any prospective franchisee. It provides a complete overview of everything about the business, its goals, its history, and its practices that anyone could ever possibly want to know. In fact, a quick jaunt over to the Federal Trade Commission’s website shows exactly how precise and complete a disclosure the government expects from all franchises: they provide a 150-page Franchise Rule document to clarify exactly what information a business must supply in order to comply with the law. If there is anything fishy about the franchise you’ve got your eye on, the FDD will reveal it to both you and the government.

The SBA Franchise Registry

Another easy way to spot potential franchise trouble before it hatches is to check out the Small Business Administration’s Franchise Registry. The SBA is a very helpful branch of the US government that specializes in supporting small businesses, including franchises, in any way they can, and one such way is by providing financial backing to small businesses that otherwise couldn’t get off the ground. In the case of a franchise, the SBA asks for company information to ensure that the business model is a sound one, there is a history of success, and future success is fairly certain before they provide the financial support. What this practice has inadvertently produced is the Franchise Registry: a list of all the franchise companies that have already submitted their businesses for financial support when a new franchisee starts out. If a franchise is on the list, then the government has given it their stamp of approval and their trust, and so can you.

Learn From Other People

This seems like the most straightforward way to get information, and it truly is. If you want to find out what Adventures in Advertising is really like, talk to one of their franchisees. There is no one who will know better what the strengths and weaknesses of the franchise are, how effectively the business runs, and whether or not it’s a worthy investment. Of course, talking with only one DVDNow dvd rental kiosk franchisee may not give you a true perspective on things; because if one person has a negative opinion simply because a work from home vending business just wasn’t a good fit for him. But if you talk to a dozen franchisees, you should be able to figure out exactly what your future franchise will be like. You don’t have to stop at franchisees, the Better Business Bureau can also offer you information on the franchise you’re looking at, based on the reviews of concerned consumers. If, in their database, the BBB has 200 negative consumer reports in regard to the internet business that’s recently caught your eye as a potential opportunity, you may want to rethink the choice, because that many unique negative reports probably means there is some merit to the complaints.

When you’re looking at franchise businesses, there is no such thing as over-researching. Truly, most opportunities that you’ll find, especially through franchise brokers, are trustworthy businesses. But even if research doesn’t unearth a huge moral or professional flaw in the infrastructure of the business, it might just tell you some things about the way they practically run that won’t mesh well with your personality, lifestyle, and goals. There are plenty of factors to consider when starting a new business, and any knowledge you can get along the way will inevitably be helpful.

Internet Marketing For Online Businesses tips to sucess by Samuel Clark

A new industry brought about from the growth of the internet called internet marketing for online businesses. Internet marketing is now a major industry in which businesses are either learning how to bring traffic to their sites on their own or finding internet marketing experts to help them. There are literally tons of ways to drive traffic to your website. Your marketing plan should include a nice balance of paid advertising and also proer SEO techniques to bring you free traffic.

We have found that if you employ various traffic generating techniques at once with your business it will allow you to see what works and what doesn't. Make sure you stick with your marketing strategies long enough to see if they work or not. Typically not sticking with your marketing campaign long enough is a pitfall many online businesses fall into.

You can pay for traffic through a program called Google Adwords. MSN and Yahoo offer similar programs. Google Adwords is a very popular advertising system where people pay per click to get traffic to their websites. Keywords are search terms that people type into the internet and you must have this knowledge before building out your internet business strategy. You only pay when people click on your ads. This is pinpoint advertising at its best and allows you to bring people who are already interested in what you have on your website if you have done a good job on the keyword research. There are many criterias for setting up your adwords campaigns and it is best to get training on how to do this before you jump into the fire. You can blow alot of money very quickly if you don't know what you are doing.

Another way to obtain traffic is through article marketing. This is one of the most important and best ways to build a solid marketing campaign. Article marketing is a proven and viable strategy for internet marketing for online businesses. Content is king online and so when you have a website, you must plan to develop content and information for your visitors and for the search engines. There are article directories online like Ezine Articles that will post your article on their site. Ezine Articles is an Authority site online and is a great place to get your information noticed.

Finally, Back links are the most important component to a powerful and popular website. By creating a hyper-link with your targeted keyword on someone elses site you will gain lots of visitors and search engine rankings to your website. I can not stress enough the importance of doing this everyday.

internet marketing for online businesses is a complex game online today, but if you stick with it and keep leanring how to generate backlinks, you will do very well. As we discussed here, article marketing is a simple but very effective way for you to build backlinks to your website. Lastly, we used to hear the phrase, the one with the most toys wins. Internet marketing for online businesses is, the one with the most links wins.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How to Network Market with a Rock Solid Downline System by M Murphy

If you have tried and failed before using MLM (or network marketing) then you should read this article and learn how to use a downline system to boost your business to new levels.

What is a Downline System?

A downline system or builder is a website that offers you the opportunity to promote certain multi-level or affiliate programs. Once you become a member, you will be given a website template and materials to create your own site. Once setup, you can then edit the affiliate links to promote the programs under your name.

By promoting and marketing this new downline system, you will create a highly responsive and rock solid downline of your own.

A good downline system will use a database or some sort to record all the email addresses listed for your downline and should give you access to that database for backups or transfers.

A good downline system will provide you with the opportunity to automatically add new members to your downline with little effort from you. You can easily earn several hundred dollars a month using this method if you have a large base and are an active member.

But in order to develop your downline faster and you can try out these 4 free traffic boosters: Write Articles â€" write articles that solve problems or answer pressing questions and submit them to online article directories.

Forum Posts â€" Search out high traffic forums that cover your target market. Sign up and write helpful posts for members. Use your signature line to direct people to your downline link, Post Comments - Search out blogs that cover the niche market you would like to work with. Locate a couple of blogs and write useful comments on them as least every other week or so. Use the linkback function to bring interested readers to your sign up page.

Create Podcasts â€" Use freely available audio recording software and microphone to record your own version of a “talk radio show”. Every week record a new tip, how-to or informational “broadcast” that people can download and listen to for free. Always include a commercial break, asking to people to signup for your email list or to get more information about your networking plan.

Now you know how a downline system works, you can start exploring to find one that matches your needs and your budget and will fit in with your network marketing plan.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

How To Get 'Real' Qualified Traffic to Web Site by kamal

Traffic is the most popular subject in Internet marketing.

It doesn't matter how good your sales copy is, you will eventually live or die by the traffic you generate to your web site.

If you have no traffic, you have no sales. There is no way around it.

So what's the best way to generate traffic? Everybody seems to have an opinion on the subject. Everywhere you turn there is another "Startling Discovery" of how to drive millions of visitors your way.

For only $100 you can have 100,000 visitors sent your way...

But the question is...what kind of traffic do you want?

Do you want visitors who just pop-in and pop right out? Or are you looking to attract targeted hungry customers and buyers for your products and services?

Well, if you're serious about making money, you want real visitors who are ready and willing to buy your products and services.

You're simply not going to get this kind of visitors by joining the hot "traffic generation" technique of the month.

There always seems to be a NEW thing that everybody jumps on...and you see published in a majority of ezines. People will jump on it this month, tire of it, and then be on to something new next month.

I've been doing this business for 7 years now and although things do change quick, I'm still using many of the exact same strategies I did way back when I started.

Some of those techniques are the ones I want to share with you today. These are the techniques which have worked for years, and will continue to work for years to come.

They are not fly-by-night opportunities. They are real...and they can and will generate traffic for you TODAY and for years to come.

They may not be exciting, but they work! And that's the point of this business. Who cares what's the most exciting and most talked about? We only care about what earns our business the most profits.

Traffic Method #1 - Joint Ventures

You have a product. You find people who already have the hungry customers you're seeking.

The most common form of joint venture online is the affiliate program. You set-up the software and you can instantly handle thousands of affiliates selling your products and services for you.

You'll find that a large number of the people who teach Internet marketing use their affiliate programs as their primary selling tool.

Simply find large ezines or high traffic web sites in your niche market and partner with them.

Offer them a percentage of the profits varying anywhere from 10% to 75% of the selling price. It's absolutely no risk to you whatsoever, because you don't spend a penny on marketing until a sale is made.

A good program to use for your affiliate program is here:

Traffic Method #2 - Pay-per-click Search Engines

You don't pay for traffic with these search engines unless their visitors click on and visit your web site. So you're paying for real guaranteed highly qualified visitors to your web site.

The ones I like best are:

The key to using PPC search engines effectively is coming up with hundreds or even thousands of possible keywords. You're looking for keywords which have decent traffic but very low bids.

You don't want to be spending $1 or more per visitor if you haven't tested your web site to produce that kind of income already. So you have to avoid the most popular keywords and find a lot of less used ones.

A great tool for finding keywords fast has recently been developed by one of my coaching clients. It's awesome. Check it out here:

Traffic Method #3 - Content Web Sites

The poor content web site has been attacked, made fun of, and ignored for years. A content web site is one with lots of content on it including: ebooks, articles, and even a discussion board.

This is the exact opposite type of site from a mini-site. A mini-site is a web site with only a page or two and focuses just on a sales letter. A customer either buys or doesn't buy. No other choices are offered to them.

The majority of my web sites are designed in this fashion. They are mini-sites and all they contain are a sales letter and order form.

Content sites have a place. They can be used to draw traffic and visitors. People will link to a content site. Search engines will index a content site much easier than they will a sales letter.

All this traffic can be produced for free (although you will do a lot of work to produce the content).

Then you can get these visitors to sign up for an email newsletter OR drive them to your mini-site sales letters. The content site is never the purpose of your business. It is just a traffic generating mechanism that you use to push visitors to your sales letters.

Bonus Traffic Method - Offline Advertising

Print media has been taking a major hit in recent years from a loss of advertising revenue. Advertising in printed publications and through direct mail just isn't as popular anymore because they weren't as exciting as the Internet.

That's changing.

Webmasters are finding out that they can drive qualified buyers to their web sites using offline advertising. And those visitors captured offline are worth much more than their average online surfer.

They're also discovering that sending postcards and direct mail pieces to their online buyers is resulting in significantly more sales than simply email follow-up alone.

So you make money driving offline visitors online...and then contacting online buyers offline.

About the Author

Traffic is the most popular subject in Internet marketing.

It doesn't matter how good your sales copy is, you will eventually live or die by the traffic you generate to your web site.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Using Article Marketing to Boost my Page Rank by Kamal Kaushal

Article marketing has always been the most effective way to promote your online business and increase your pagerank. It is the least expensive way to promote and will always be worth every cent. This method to ensure success will continue for many years in the future. Articles are a vital part of any online marketing plan. Once the article is written and published, it travels to many article banks which provide back links to your site. From there, owners of other websites copy the article, making sure that the author's information is intact. They then publish it in their newsletters, ezines or even on their websites. Take pride in writing your articles and you will find them to be more productive for you and your business.

Since your article has your resource box containing a link to your site, it will generate a great deal of exposure and traffic to your website. The good thing about article marketing is that the viral nature of generating back links constantly improves your popularity and pagerank. The article acts like a virus, attaching your information to every site where it is used. The better the quality of your article the more it will be used by others to create the backlinks and increased pagerank that you need. Article marketing accomplishes other things as well, which may be a bit more important in ecommerce today. First of all, writing and distributing articles establishes you as an expert in the field, or topic in question. Secondly, they can serve as building blocks of trust amongst the readers of your articles.

Most successful Internet companies usually distribute at least one article per week to a number of different article banks. Some businesses will distribute the same article that they used in their newsletter, but only after the letters have gone out to subscribers. Some business owners hire ghostwriters to write the articles for their article marketing and for their website content. This practice provides them with more time for other business activities. Ghostwriters have to capture the style and personality of the owner in their writing. This can be challenging at times, but usually pays off pretty well if combined with excellent article marketing. A successful business will only use and publish well written articles that are informative. Some writers err in trying to write articles as sales letters.

This can be challenging at times, but usually pays off pretty well if combined with excellent article marketing. A successful business will only use and publish well written articles that are informative. Some writers err in trying to write articles as sales letters. This greatly reduces the value to other publishers and article users, and the benefit of viral article marketing is lost. In summary, articles are intended to be informative letters sent out to get readers to visit the article marketer's website and to increase pagerank. They should also provide helpful information as well as include a link to the website in the resource box.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

You Need To Know The One Secret To Be An Affiliate Making Money by Stephen Meyer

An affiliate marketer makes his money by selling other peoples products. They can sell products online through a web site or with online advertising. You can also sell products off line using the many available marketing strategies.

Thousands of people have become affiliate marketers for the simple reason it is a great way to earn money from home. Of course the number one method of being an affiliate making money with online sales is using the Internet because of it's ease and convenience.

But, there is secret to becoming successful with online affiliate marketing and it is the one secret that can make or break an affiliate marketer. This method is not talked about real often. The secret that I am talking about to becoming an affiliate making money is list building.

Many affiliate marketers have heard the saying "The Money Is In The List" and nothing truer could be said. This is the one step that will move a person out of the part time home business field into full time online marketing.

The vast majority of "Super Affiliates" who are online today marketing different products all have very large list. Some of these extend into the hundreds of thousands. Some of the most successful affiliate marketers have moved beyond selling some one else's product and have created their own products and promote these exclusively through their list. It has made many of them very wealthy.

Even if they no longer produced their own products and started selling other peoples products tomorrow they would still make huge incomes by simply marketing to the list they have built.

Many new affiliate marketers attempt to make a living using the free tools that most affiliate companies provide them. Most will advertise a replicated website and banner advertisements provided by the product owner with the beliefe these materials is all that is needed. Of course there is an occasional sale made or a new affiliate sign up but that becomes the end of marketing to those people.

It can be nearly impossible to make any real money if you do not own your website, your capture pages, and have full control of the names collected. It is nearly impossible to build a profitable list using someone else's web site.

The only way to become a successful affiliate making money is to hyave full control of your website and the leads you gather. The most successful Internet marketers in the world promote only web sites that feature a sign-up form, or they promote a landing page and most will not give anymore information until they are given the name and email address of the visitor.

This creates a list of eager buyers who are anxiously awaiting the information they signed up to receive.

Building a list of targeted buyers is the only way to truly succeed as an affiliate marketer. If you can master the techniques of list building making money online will come much easier for you. This is the little known secret of affiliate making money that we all must be aware of.